Torta di zucca e amaretti
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Strada della Mela

Squash and Amaretti Cake



300 gr di zucca pulita tagliata a pezzi 
200 gr di zucchero 
100 gr di mandorle pelate 
100 gr di amaretti 
150 gr di farina 00 
3 uova 
70 gr di burro 
100 gr di uvetta sultanina 
1 limone scorza 
1 pizzico di sale 
1 bustina di lievito 
1\2 cucchiaino cannella

Procedure (the Bimby food processor was used for this recipe):
Clean and dice the squash, put the Amaretti biscuits in the mixing bowl and chop at speed 5, set aside.  Put the diced squash in the mixing bowl and process a few seconds at speed 5. Add 20 g butter and 50 g sugar, the salt and cook 10 min. at 100° speed 2. Let cool. 
Soak the raisins in lukewarm water. Put 150 g sugar, grated rind of 1 lemon, and the almonds in the mixing bowl: process for 10 sec. speed 9. Add the eggs, remaining butter and mix 1 minute speed 5. Add flour, cinnamon and Amaretti biscuits for 1 min. at speed 5; add squash and baking powder: 20 sec. at speed 5. Complete with the drained raisins: 5 sec. at speed 3 counterclockwise.  
Transfer the batter in a greased and floured pan and cake at 160° C for 40/45 minutes.
Let cool and decorate with powdered sugar... and … buon appetito!!