Strada del Vino
Carne Salada trilogy
Kg. 0,280 Carne salada
Lt. 0,050 Olio extra vergine di oliva Garda Trentino
Kg. 0,020 Crema di broccolo di Torbole
Kg. 0,040 Mele Golden a brunoise
Kg. 0,150 Crema di broccolo di Torbole
Kg. 0,080 Formaggio Trentingrana
Kg. 0,080 Ricotta
Kg. 0,050 Ricotta affumicata
Lt. 0,020 Panna fresca
Kg. 0,040 Scaglie di Vezzena semistagionato
Kg. 0,040 Asparagi di Zambana
Erba cipollina
Succo di Limone qb
Salsa citronette qb
Sale, pepe qb
Carne Salada trilogy: classical carpaccio of Carne Salada with Zambana asparagus and petals of Vezzena cheese, tartare of Carne Salada with Golden apples and dumpling filled with two ricottas on a bed of Torbole broccoli cream
1st stage
For the tartare:
With a knife cut up 120 g of Carne Salada, add the lemon juice and a drop of Garda extra virgin olive oil and blend well. Season the peeled and diced brunoise style apples with Garda evo oil and some citronette sauce.
Using a food-moulding ring about 2.5 cm in diameter, form small medallions.
For the dumpling:
Pass the two Ricotta cheeses through a sieve, add Trentingrana cheese and fresh cream and mix everything with a spoon until the right consistency is achieved.
Cut four thin slices of Carne Salada, arrange them on a flat surface and using a pastry bag place a dab of ricotta at the centre of each one; close the slice at the top as if it were a dumpling and tie with a leaf of chives, then place the broccoli cream underneath the dumpling in the dish.
For the carpaccio:
Cut four thin slices of Carne Salada and arrange them on the plate. Decorate with the asparagus and the Vezzena cheese petals, polish with Garda Trentino extra virgin olive oil.
2nd stage
Position in the plate the spoon with the tartare, the dumpling on the broccoli cream and the carpaccio, and decorate to taste.
The recipe was presented on the occasion of "Chefs without frontiers" contest by Simone Pedrolli of the IFPA (Vocational Institute for Hotel Management) of Levico Terme.