Uno strudel tutto matto
Logo Trentino
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A “crazy” strudel

un dolce alla portata di tutti


Per la pasta matta:
125 gr. farina 0
20 ml. olio di semi
75 gr. acqua tiepida
un pizzico di sale

Per il ripieno:
4 mele renette o Golden,
5 biscotti secchi sbriciolati,
2 cucchiai di zucchero
uvetta e noci

In a bowl, mix the flour with the water, being careful not to form lumps; add the oil so the dough will be elastic and a pinch of salt.  Slice the apples into thin slices and mix in the biscuit crumbs, sugar, raisins and walnuts. Roll out the dough, fill and close it,. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.
Did you know…... that in German the word strudel means vortex!
Strudels are very versatile sweets: they can be filled with sweet or savoury fillings, with seasonal fruit or vegetables.