Azienda Agricola e Fattoria Didattica Il Leprotto Bisestile

The agricultural and educational farm “Il Leprotto Bisestile” is located on the Vigolana Plateau. Between meadows and woods, with the sparkling mountain air and a lovely view of Lake Caldonazzo, we cultivate medicinal plants, vegetables and corn, all in total respect for nature. In our farm, you will also find many beautiful animals cared for with love. After completing her Agricultural studies, Francesca decided to return to the vegetable garden of grandmother Edda, aptly blending knowledge and tradition.
Inoltre cosmesi con estratti di piante officinali, cuscini e sacchetti profumati
La fattoria didattica rimarrà chiusa fino al 3 aprile, in ottemperanza alle disposizioni del Dpcm 9 marzo 2020, recante nuove misure per il contenimento e il contrasto del diffondersi del virus Covid-19.
Verrà valutato il da farsi in seguito.
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