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Strada del Vino

“Castagnaccio” (Chestnut Flour Cake)



900 g farina di castagne
250 g olio di oliva extravergine Garda Trentino DOP
400 g zucchero
4 bustine vanillina
1,5 -2 l acqua
rametti di rosmarino
una bella manciata di noci tritate, di pinoli e di uva passa 

Mix together all the ingredients, adding the water gradually to make a thin, smooth batter.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan: it should be about 1 – 1.5 cm thick. 
Decorate the surface with chopped walnuts, pine nuts and marinated, drained raisins.
Sprinkle with rosemary sprigs.
Bake at  170°C for 45 minutes