Sweet apple bread
Primo impasto:
- 230 g di lievito madre rinnovato
- 800 g di farina forte
- 360 g di succo di mela (estratto)
- 150 g di zucchero
- 200 g di tuorlo
- 300 g di burro
Secondo impasto:
- 200 g di farina forte
- 120 g di latte fresco
- 14 g di sale
- 50 g di uovo intero
- 150 g di tuorlo
- 50 g di miele
- 240 g di burro
- 100 g di zucchero
- 300 g di uvetta
- 600 g di mele semi candite
- 250 g di mandorle pelate
- 500 g di zucchero
- 60 g di amido
- 100 g di albume
In the planetary mixer bowl add the yeast, sugar, apple juice and flour and mix. As it mixes, add a little at a time the liquified butter and egg yolks.
Allow to proof for 12 hours and, once it is four times its original size, add the second dough previously made only with 140 g of butter and without the eggs required or the honey.
Once all the ingredients have been absorbed, add the remaining 100 g of butter, the eggs required and the honey. Allow this second dough to proof for about 2 hours, then divide it into small buns and place them in the moulds. Allow to proof in the moulds for about 6 hours.
Prepare the icing by mixing all the ingredients and pour over the apple bread along with thin apple slices and the icing sugar. Bake at 180°C for about 45 minutes.
Let them rest upside down for about 6 hours.
Our advice...
We suggest you enjoy the sweet apple brad accompanied by Ginger-scented hot mint and Melissa syrup by Az Agr Naturalmente
Recipe created and made by
Chef Alessandro Lagati - La Casa di Marzapane (Pellizzano and Cles)
Do you want to discover the magic of Trentino winter? Enjoy