Strada del Vino
Castione chestnut mousse “porcupine”
1 kg di purea di marroni, 150 gr di burro, 250 gr di zucchero, 2 uova fresche, 1 bicchierino di rhum, 1 cucchiaino di cacao.
Pinoli, chicchi di caffè, amaretti sbriciolati e confetti per la decorazione.
- Boil the chestnuts and make a purée
- Add sugar, melted butter, egg yolks, cacao and rum.
- When the dough is smooth, add the beaten egg whites.
- Give a porcupine shape, decorate with amaretti crumbs, pine nuts (needles), sugared almonds (mouth and eyes) and coffee beans (ears).
Recipe offered by the Chestnut Protection Association of Castione