Strada dei Formaggi
Strauli or Fortaie
Un must assolutamente da provare
Ingredienti per 4 persone
- 80 gr di farina
- 80 gr di burro fuso
- 1/4 lt di latte trentino
- 2 cucchiai di grappa trentina
- 3 uova
- sale
- olio per friggere
Strauli or stràboli, fortaie or strauben...no matter what you call it… the name changes from valley to valley, is a typical Trentino sweet that you must not miss out on, a treat you must try, perhaps on a holiday.
In fact it is a typical holiday season sweet: at Mardi Gras time or for wedding celebrations. In the Ladin culture they are called "Fortaies" and according to nuptial tradition they were laid out on the table the evening the groom came to the bride’s house for the wedding preparations. It was a custom that on that evening the groom’s friends, the neighbours or anyone else interested in the bride would go and steal the Fortaies.
Let’s see how to make them!
Mix flour, melted butter, the milk (absolutely from the Trentino area), grappa, eggs and salt to obtain a smooth mixture.
Trickle the mixture through a special fritter funnel (you can purchase one online here or on many sites or use a normal funnel with the aid of a finger) into the boiling oil making a circular movement from the centre to the outside making an irregular spiral shape. Fry the Strauli until they are golden brown, drain on paper towels and serve hot with country sugar and redcurrant jam (we recommend the homemade jam from Agritur Dalaip dei Pape) .
Where can you find them ?
Many typical establishments have this sweet on hand. Here are a few suggestions, one for each valley:
- Ristorante Pizzeria SassMaor, San Martino di Castrozza
- Malga Peniola, Moena (Val di Fassa)
- Malga Sadole, Ziano di Fiemme (only in the summer)