ASTRO - Associazione Troticoltori Trentini
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Strada del Vino

ASTRO - Associazione Troticoltori Trentini

The pure, fresh and well-oxygenated waters flowing from the Trentino’s Dolomitic glaciers are home to ASTRO trout and char bred naturally in accordance with nature’s own schedule and nutritional cycles. Fish is raised for almost 2 years, fed with rigorously monitored natural, GMO-free feed, in full compliance with regulations governing the breeding of “Trentino Trout IGP”, and “Trentino Char IGP”, as well as the “Qualità Trentino” brand which guarantees origin and excellent quality of trout and char. Fish meat is easily digestible and, therefore, more consistent, tastier, leaner and rich in noble proteins and mineral salts, as well as precious Omega 3. Astro was also awarded “Friend of the Sea” certification, in recognition of the absolute naturalness of waters used in breeding tanks.

Prodotti ittici come trote e salmerini, sia freschi che trasformati