Azienda Agricola Cà dei Baghi

The Valcanover family, in the old rural home in the historic centre of Bosentino, has been a farm for many years, producing a variety of fruits (apples, pears, cherries and berries). Since 2004, the family also added to its traditional activity a small workshop for the processing of fresh fruit into jams, syrups, juices and so on, all made with fruits grown on the family farm.
At the farm, fruit is worked “as it once was”, in order to preserve it over time, with its traditional flavour and quality. Processed ingredients are the final phase of work on fruits grown within an integrated system, a low environmental impact method that integrates traditional farming with modern pest control and phytopathology techniques.
We use top-quality, freshly harvested fruit at the right point of ripening, and only add to it cane sugar, without any kind of thickeners or preservatives, which could alter flavour.
Frutta e trasformati tra cui: confetture, composte, salse, ciliegie sciroppate, chutney e mostardine, succo di mela e di pera, sciroppi e Rumptopf, crauti trentini;
Prodotti per la cura del corpo quali shampoo e crema per le mani alla mela
Integratori alimentari: Glory+Plus, l'energia della natura
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