Macelleria Paolazzi

The company, born in 1946 as a small butcher’s shop, is today in a new facility. It adopts the AHACCP system and is EEC-certified. The processing facility is almost entirely underground: a labyrinth with refrigerating and aging refrigerators and equipment for the production of sausages.
Great passion for this activity, choice of products, quality raw materials and customer friendliness are the elements that distinguish the Paolazzi butcher’s shop and have contributed significantly to the appreciation of countless faithful customers. In addition to excellent meats, we also find an assortment of cold cuts, able to satisfy customers who look for healthy and tasty artisan products.Carni salumi tra cui: lucanica, lucanica di cervo e capriolo, culatello, speck trentino, Speck dell'Imperatore®
Inoltre è presente una ricca selezione di prodotti senza glutine tra cui: speck, pancetta, lucanica, lucanica di cervo, capriolo e cinghiale, lucanica piccante e fumada, salame rustico, prosciutto di cervo, guanciale, carne fumada, carrè fuma, culatello.
Orari apertura:
lunedì - sabato,
dalle 7.30 alle 12.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 19.00.
Giorni di chiusura:
lunedì pomeriggio, mercoledì pomeriggio e domenica.
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