Caprino Erborinato
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Caprino Erborinato

new flavours for a traditional Fiemme cheese

When tradition and inventiveness become cheese

Up until the 1970’s, the production of cheese using goat’s milk was a main feature of the Val di Fiemme area, and in the last few years the dairy Caseificio Val di Fiemme in Carano has picked up the threads of this custom by producing a goat’s milk cheese called Caprino di Cavalese.

With a pinch of innovation, the cheese makers have created another new product, called CaprinoErborinato, a marbled version that has the typical blue veins due to the special processing similar to that of Gorgonzola, Roquefort and Stilton.
The milk used is 100% full fat pasteurized goat’s milk. During processing, Penicillumroqueforti moulds are added. The result is an intense cheese with tangy sensations and a slightly chalky texture.
A suggested match is with high altitude ‘millefiori’ honey of Val di Fiemme and with the dry fruit typical of colder seasons.