Strada dei Formaggi
Formae Val di Fiemme
washed rind cheese
The Formae Val di Fiemme is a member of the large family of ‘nostrano’ (local) cheeses, namely those strongly tied to a specific territory. Each local cheese is different from the others because of the characteristics of the place in which it is produced.
Formae Val di Fiemme, once produced in the mountain dairies and in the full-time dairies, is categorised as a washed rind cheese, featuring a rather oily patina deriving from the manual treatment with salted water to which it is subjected during aging. This favours the development of special fermentations and the formation of strong and unique aromas, differing according to ripening time, also deriving from the processing of raw milk. An exception to this is the Formae Val di Fiemme di Malga that, in recent years, has been ripened with grape seed oil instead of water and salt.