Basini di Trento
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Basini di Trento (Trento kisses)



100 g mandorle sbucciate; 125 g albume d’uovo; 300 g zucchero; 50 g farina 00; Un cucchiaio di cannella; un cucchiaino di Vanillina; un cucchiaio di Semi di coriandolo; cioccolato copertura q.b.

Finely grind almonds and coriander seeds. In a pan with a heavy, spherical bottom, mix sugar, and egg white and heat up to 40°C stirring constantly being careful that the egg white does not stick and burn. Remove from heat and continue beating until completely cooled. Add the ground almonds and coriander seeds, the sifted flour and spices. Mix slowly from bottom to top until completely blended. Push through a pastry bag having a smooth, 10 mm diameter tip onto greased and floured tins or tins lined with parchment paper . Bake 25 minutes at 170°C. When they are cool melt the chocolate over a bain-marie pan and join the two halves. 
Cooking time: 25 min. 170 °C
Recipe offered by Pasticceria Bertelli di Trento.