Strada della Mela
Canederli alla nonesa (Bread dumplings Val di Non style)
First course
- 500 g di pane raffermo a cubetti
- 3 etti di farina bianca
- 1 etto di pancetta affumicata a cubetti
- 2 etti di speck a cubetti
- 1 lucanica fresca a cubetti
- 4 cucchiai di Trentingrana
- 2 uova
- prezzemolo
- latte
Soften the bread croutons with milk and add all the other ingredients:
Mix all the ingredients well and make balls appox. 8 mm diameter.
Bring the meat broth to a boil and cook the dumplings briefly. As soon as the dumplings come to the surface they are ready to be served in the broth or drained and seasoned as desired.
Photo by Ristorante Locanda Alpina