Hot Chocolate with Christmas cookies
Il profumo del cioccolato e il sapore del buon latte trentino.
Ingredienti per due tazze
50 gr di zucchero
50 gr di cacao amaro in polvere
50 gr di maizena
500 ml di LatteTrentino
Per un tocco natalizio:
100 ml panna fresca
Mezzo cucchiaino di cannella
Un pizzico di zenzero in polvere
Pour the sugar, cocoa and cornstarch into a saucepan, preferably non-stick. Add the milk a little at a time until the dry ingredients are all melted and blended. Turn the heat on and mix with a whisk or wooden spoon until it starts bubbling and continue until it reaches the required density.
Consider that when you transfer the chocolate into the mug it will cool slightly and consequently the liquid will become denser. We suggest you turn the heat off a few seconds before reaching the required density.
You can enrich your Christmas hot chocolate with spices, such as cinnamon and/or ginger that you can add to the unsweetened cocoa, or you can sprinkle them over the whipped cream.
As for the whipped cream, we suggest you use freshly made Trentino cream, so as to make your hot chocolate even yummier.
Enjoy together with homemade short crust pastry cookies.
Did you know?
Hot chocolate is an international delicacy that in Trentino finds its more artisanal version. Making hot chocolate at home is child’s play: all you need are a few ingredients and good quality chocolate, like the chocolate used at the Pasticceria Simion bakery that, not surprisingly, is famous for its Sacher Torte.
If you’re lazy, you can find handmade and ready to use mixtures without artificial thickeners in many pastry shops.
The true added value of a cup of hot chocolate enjoyed in Trentino is the milk (and the cream, for you gourmands!) produced by Trentino farmers: a good, healthy and controlled product that boasts the Qualità Trentino quality brand.
Recipe created and made by
Giacomo Simion, Pasticceria Simion (Fiera di Primiero and San Martino di Castrozza)
Do you want to discover the magic of Trentino winter? Enjoy