Gingerbread cookies
Per l’impasto
500 gr di farina
250 gr di farina segale
300 gr di miele
200 gr di zucchero
1 uovo
2 tuorli
200 gr burro
1 bustina di lievito
Spezie quanto basta (cannella, limone, pepe nero, zenzero, chiodi di garofano, noce moscata, vaniglia)
Per decorazione e glassa
Gelatina in fogli
1 albume
200 gr di zucchero a velo
½ cucchiaio di succo di limone
Colorante naturale per dolci
Mix the flours, sugar, spices and yeast together and then add the honey, eggs and butter. Work the dough.
Cover and leave to rest for 24 hours in the fridge.
Work the dough again to restore its elasticity and then roll it out to a thickness of 4/5 mm. Shape the cookies using your favourite cutters and then place in the oven heated at 170°C (static oven) for 15 minutes or until they are nicely golden.
Let the cookies cool and then brush them with the gelatin to polish them. Finally, decorate them as you wish with the icing in a sac à poche.
We suggest they be matched with the artisanal wild prune grappa ‘L’Ones alle Prugnole Selvatiche’.
Did you know?
These typical Christmas cookies are common in many areas of the Alps and of Northern Europe. There are a myriad variations according to the spices used. They can easy be prepared with children who can give them their favourite shapes, such as snowmen, Christmas trees and stars.
They are so pretty that many hang them up on their Christmas trees and then gobble them up on the 25th. They are in fact so good that while baking they create a fragrance that turns everyone back into children with their typical snowy Christmas-in-the-snow smell…remember??
Recipe created and made by:
Simone Baldassarra - Cose Buone da Paolo (Cavalese).
Do you want to discover the magic of Trentino winter? Enjoy