Strada dei Formaggi
Squash and Ricotta Gnocchi
Colorati, gustosi e senza glutine!
Ingredienti (per 4 persone):
- 250 gr di zucca
- 200 gr di ricotta fresca
- 100 gr di fecola di patate (quantità variabile seconda della consistenza e della qualità della zucca )
- 1 uovo
- 50 gr di Trentingrana DOP grattugiato
- noce moscata q.b.
- sale q.b
Per il condimento:
- burro trentino
- poìna fumada ovvero ricotta affumicata grattugiata
- salvia
Clean and dice the squash after cutting off the rind (it is preferable to choose a dry, compact squash, having a green rind).
Steam it until soft. Then mash into a purée with a fork.
Add the ricotta (better if compact and not too creamy) the Trentingrana DOP cheese, an egg, salt and nutmeg. Mix all ingredients and add potato starch to the mixture so that the resulting dough is compact yet soft. The amount of starch needed depends on the consistency of the squash and ricotta.
Shape the gnocchi from the dough as you wish, such as the traditional bean-shaped cylinders rolled over a grater or balls (not too big, about 1.5 – 2 cm).
Cook the gnocchi in boiling salted water until they come to the surface. Then drain and mix with melted butter, smoked ricotta and a few leaves of sage.
Buon appetito!