Gnocchi “gialloblu” di patate su fonduta di formaggi trentini
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Strada del Vino

Gnocchi “Gialloblu” (Potato Dumplings “Gialloblu” on Trentino Cheese Fondue)

First course


Ingredienti per gli gnocchi (per 10 persone)

1,5 kg patate blu di Margone,
300 gr.  farina bianca 00 per l’impasto e 100 gr. per la lavorazione degli gnocchi,
50 gr. fecola di patate, 2 e ½  uova,  80 gr. Trentingrana grattugiato,  sale, pepe e noce moscata, q.b.

Ingredienti per la fonduta

120 gr. Trentingrana, 
120 gr. formaggio Vezzena,
120 gr. formaggio Casolet,
120 gr. formaggio Puzzone di Moena,
400 ml. latte,
20 gr. burro,
20 gr. farina,
50 gr. panna,
50 gr. tuorlo d’uovo
un pizzico di noce moscata, q.b. sale e pepe


Boil the potatoes in jackets; drain and cool well (12 hours)
Peel potatoes and mash. Lay out on a board, add flour and starch, slightly beaten eggs, Trentingrana cheese, salt, pepper, nutmeg. Knead with hands.  
Flour board lightly. Make small rolls and cut with a spatula to make bean-sized gnocchi. 

For the Fondue: bring the milk seasoned with nutmeg  to a boil.
Make a roux with butter and flour then add to milk and cook on low heat for 5 min. 
Grate hard cheeses and dice the softer ones. Blend the cheeses into the béchamel so that they melt slowly.
When the sauce reaches boiling point put quickly through a sieve to avoid lumps.  
Lastly add cream and egg yolk.

Recipe presented at the  Festival del Vino Trentino by chef Federico Parolari of ’Osteria a “Le due Spade”