Gnocconi di ricotta affumicata
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Strada della Mela

Smoked Ricotta Gnocchi

Serviti con speck croccante e porro stufato profumato al timo


  • 700 g di ricotta fresca
  • 300 g di ricotta affumicata
  • 1 dl di latte fresco
  • 140 g di farina bianca
  • 100 g di mollica di pane
  • 300 g di porro
  • timo
  • 50 g di burro
  • 50 ml di brodo vegetale
Gnocchi: put the ricotta through a sieve, add the bread softened in milk, sifted flour, salt and freshly ground pepper, when smooth let cool in the refrigerator for at least 15 min. Make the gnocchi with a pastry bag or using two tablespoons. Cook in abundant salted water for about 6-8 minutes according to the size of the gnocchi. 
Leeks with aroma of thyme:  Braise the leeks in butter adding broth as needed and the salt. When almost cooked dust with finely chopped thyme. 
Julienne of sautéed “speck”: Cut the speck into thin strips and sauté on high heat.  
Presentation of the dish: Drain the gnocchi and set on the plate on a bed of braised leeks and a side of sautéed speck.