Strada dei Formaggi
Peta de pan e formai (Bread & Cheese Peta)
ovvero torta di pane e formaggio
Ingredienti per 4 persone:
- 200 gr di pane raffermo
- 100 gr formaggio nostrano saporito Puzzone di Moena DOP o Cuor di Fassa (in alternativa 150gr di ricotta per una versione più light e delicata)
- 1 uovo
- 10 cl di latte
- 1 mazzetto di erba cipollina
- 150 gr di porro
- 50 gr di burro
- 100 gr di speck trentino
- 250 gr di insalatine novelle
- olio extravergine di oliva DOP del Garda trentino
- sale e pepe
Cut the leek into small cubes and stew in a pan with the butter, add the diced bread and allow to cool.
Cut the cheese into small and thin cubes and add them to the milk, add the finely chopped chives and season with salt and pepper.
Grease 4 single-portion moulds and fill them by alternating layers of bread and leek with the ricotta, then cook in the oven at 160°C for 20 minutes.
Remove the flans from the moulds, place them in the serving dishes and serve with sliced Speck and fresh salad lightly seasoned with a bit of oil.
BEST WINE CHOICE: Trentodoc Brut rosè
Created and made by Carmen Rigotti – Restaurant ‘La Stua de Zach Albero Miralago’ – Passo San Pellegrino