Strada della Mela
Potato crescents filled with Fior d'Alpe di Castelfondo cheese
First course
Ingredienti per 4 persone:
- 500 g patate cotte e schiacciate
- 130 g farina
- 1 pz uovo
- 300 g formaggio Fior d’alpe di Castelfondo
- 100 g ricotta
- 1 pz albume
- erba cipollina tagliata finemente
Potato dough: mix potatoes, flour and egg to obtain a smooth mass. Let rest 10 minutes. Roll out to a 4mm thick crust.
Fior d’alpe di Castelfondo cheese filling: mix the Fior d'Alpe cheese, the ricotta cheese, the egg white and the chopped chives.
Crescents: lightly flour a cutting board and roll out potato dough discs (20 small discs). Put a spoonful of filling on each disc. Moisten the edge of the disc and fold over, creasing edges.
Golden Delicious apple cubes: melt the butter in a saucepan, add the apple cubes and sauté on high heat.
Evaporate some balsamic apple vinegar in the apples and cook over medium heat for a few minutes, after adding salt and pepper to taste.
Trentingrana cheese wafers: on a piece of parchment paper form some rows of grated Trentingrana cheese. Microwave for 60-90 sec. at max. power.
Remove from paper and shape while still warm.
Presentation: boil the crescents in abundant salted water. Drain and sauté in melted butter. Serve accompanying with the apples, petals of Castelfondo cheese, and the Trentingrana cheese wafers.