Strada dei Formaggi
Rolled hop omelette
A spring omelette
6 uova intere
100 gr di latte
sale pepe q.b.
Trentingrana DOP grattugiato, a piacere
Una manciata di germogli di luppolo (bruscandoli)
Prosciutto cotto oppure speck cotto della Macelleria Dagostin
In a large bowl whisk together the eggs, milk, and grated Trentingrana with a pinch of salt and pepper. Then add to the mix the crushed hop sprouts.
Line a cookie sheet with baking paper and pour the egg mixture into it.
Let cook at 180°C for about 10 minutes and let it rest until cool.
Turn the frittata around and remove the baking paper. Cover the surface with the slices of backed ham/speck and Fontal cheese, then roll the frittata.
Then remove the cling wrap, sprinkle it with Trentingrana cheese and put the roll back in the pre-heated oven.
Slice it and serve warm.
This recipe has been created by Elisabetta Dellantonio, chef of Ristorante Miola Predazzo.