Fiemme Beer Cake
With rye bread and cranberry jam
- 125 gr. di pane di segale raffermo
- 250 ml. di Birra artigianale di Fiemme Fleimbier (chiara)
- 100 gr. di mandorle tritate
- 100 gr. di zucchero
- 100 gr di burro
- 2 uova
- Confettura di mirtilli rossi (anche detti garnètole)
- Vaniglia qb
- Lievito in polvere 8 gr (1/2 bustina)
Cut the stale rye bread into about 1 cm dices and put them to soak in the Fiemme Fleimbier beer for about 12 hours (we suggest you do this in the evening so it will be ready the morning after, or in the morning for the evening).
When the bread is soft, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
Place the mixture into a greased cake tin about 24 cm in diameter and bake in the oven at 180°C for 45 minutes. Once out of the oven, cool and then cover the top with the cranberry preserve. Dust the sides with icing sugar.
We suggest the match with the handmade Christmas Fiemme beer, a spiced beer that goes well with the scent of the rye bread.
Did you know?
This dessert stems from the rethinking of one of the many ‘reuse’ recipes by Simone from ‘Cose Buone da Paolo’ who, in his small pastry shop in downtown Cavalese, never ceases to invent and test new tastes and combinations.
In Trentino cooking, it is customary to reuse stale bread to make other dishes such as the famous ‘Canederli’ (savoury dumplings), for example. In this case we have rye bread, a popular grain in mountain farming in days of yore and today rediscovered thanks to several local farms. It is used again in this sweet recipe together with a product typical of Val di Fiemme, its handmade beer derived from the ancient recipe of the historic brewery that was once located in Predazzo and now operates in Masi di Cavalese.
This dessert stores well at room temperature, even for a few days.
Recipe created and made by:
Simone Baldassarra - Cose Buone da Paolo (Cavalese).
Do you want to discover the magic of Trentino winter? Enjoy