Strada del Vino
La Trentina - Frutta di famiglia

Thanks to the strategic direction taken down through the years, today we can claim to be the fourth largest apple producer nationally, and an important player in the general fruit sector thanks to our growing of other fruit, including kiwis and plums.
A central business unit manages fruit distribution, providing equal business opportunities for all member coops. Our strong brand policy allows us to present ourselves in clear and unified manner to our selected targets, raising the brand’s profile nationally and internationally.
Thanks to the work of the members of our cooperatives, and to strict quality control at all stages from growing to picking, from purchasing to delivery to retailers, we provide the highest standards of product quality and consumer health.
Tra le mele segnaliamo le varietà Gala, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji e Morgenduft
Altra tipologia di frutta e ortaggi: kiwi, susine, ciliegie, patate e asparagi
Frutta bio: mele e kiwi
I punti vendita:
Co.p.a.g - Dasindo di Comano Terme
Co.f.a.v. - Caldonazzo
Levico Terme
Valli del Sarca - Pietramurata di Dro
Valli del Sarca - Arco
Valli del Sarca - Dro