Frittelle di mela profumate alla cannella
Logo Trentino
Strada della Mela

Cinnamon-scented apple fritters



4 mele Renetta della Val di Non
2 uova
200 gr farina
50 gr zucchero
1/2 bustina lievito per dolci
1 presa di sale
250 ml latte trentino
olio di semi di girasole per friggere
zucchero e cannella per decorare


Beat the eggs, mix in the flour and the other ingredients, then add the milk a little at a time until the mixture is well mixed and creamy.

Peel the apples, remove the cores and slice the apples into rings about 1 cm thick.

Dip the apple rings into the coating and fry them in abundant boiling oil. Allow them to turn golden on both sides for 3-4 minutes per side and then place them on absorbent paper to drain excess oil. When still warm, place them in the sugar and cinnamon mixture to dust both sides.

Our advice...

We suggest you enjoy these fritters accompanied by Brulè di Mela of the Sidreria LM Melchiori of Tres

The Melchiori company produces its own Brulé di Mela by adding to the apple juice, made from whole Trentino Alto Adige apples, orange juice flavoured by simple infusion with cinnamon and cloves. This non-alcoholic, ready to drink beverage is best heated a little (without boiling), to which a bit of honey can then be added, to taste. Aromatic and delicious, just like what any family recipe should be.

Recipe created and made by

Gianluca Pangrazzi - Caffè Roma Artisan pastry (Malè)



Do you want to discover the magic of Trentino winter? Enjoy