Segnana Grappa

Distilleria Segnana was founded in 1860 by Paolo Segnana who built a mobile distillery with equipment mounted on a horse-drawn carriage; at the end of the nineteenth century, he decided to put roots in Borgo Valsugana. In 1982, the distillery was purchased by the Lunelli family, which also produces Spumante Ferrari.
A natural transition: the Lunelli brothers were one of the most important suppliers of pomace to Distilleria Segnana. Loaded with history and success, the Distillery today is a state-of-the art facility located next to to Cantine Ferrari in Trento. The closeness of the link between Ferrari and Segnana is testimony to the excellence of any distillery creation. Segnana is a member of the Institute of Grappa of Trentino: a further guarantee of genuineness and control of the origins.
Grappe, tra cui:
Gentile, Estrema, Solera di Solera, Chardonnay, Traminer, Moscato, Pinot Nero, Cinquanta, Solera Selezione, Segnana Anniversario 150esimo.
Orari apertura e visite guidate
dal lunedì al venerdì,
dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 14.30 alle 17.00.
Giorni di chiusura
Sabato e Domenica
Visite guidate
solo su prenotazione
Lingue parlate
inglese, tedesco, francese e spagnolo