Villa Persani - Azienda Agricola Clementi Silvano
Since the installation of new vineyards and orchards, the philosophical imprint of the company has been to move away from dependence on the secondary sector, aiming at a more careful agriculture for the protection of the environment and the territory that translate into organic farming (Certified organic company according to ICEA A680 and biovegan VEG 085).
Helped by their parents Laura and Renzo, Silvano and Veronica manage the family company.
For Silvano, “the other point of view”, the juxtaposition of the use of chemistry in agriculture, seems to be an environmental paradox: the secondary sector cannot support the primary sector just as chemical practices cannot support the fertility of the earth. This paradox is to be the mission of offering consumers the opportunity to educate their palate to a new, but ancient, sensation of naturalness.Vini bio, tra cui:
vini bianchi: Performance - Pinot Grigio IGT Vigneti delle Dolomiti, Aromatta - vino bianco varietà resistente, Droti bianco - Müller Thurgau, Molin - vino bianco IGT Vigneti delle Dolomiti - Riesling e Manzoni Bianco, Aeramen - Pinot Grigio Ramato IGT Vigneti delle Dolomiti
Vini rossi biologici: Nerosilvo - vino rosso barricato, Rubra - vino rosso invecchiato
Orario d'apertura
Villa Persani in questo momento difficile per tutti sospende le visite guidate in azienda e gli assaggi per la tuteladegli ospiti e dei collaboratori.
E' sempre possibile contare sul servizio di spedizione a domicilio.
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