Strada del Vino
Salmon trout in crust
Trota salmonata in crosta
Ingredienti per la pasta brisè:
300 gr. farina 00
150 gr. burro a cubetti freddo
80 gr circa d'acqua fredda.
Ingredienti per la farcitura:
200 gr. trota salmonata
50 gr. mollica pane
50 gr. panna liquida
Shortcrust pastry:
Put flour, butter and a pinch of salt in the food processor. Blend until dough has a sandy texture. Put on a floured board and add cold water. Knead into a compact loaf and store in the fridge for at least 40 min.
Season a rainbow trout with salt and pepper. Mix together the soft bread crumbs, cream, egg
white, salt, pepper and spread it on the trout. Top with chopped leeks.
Lay the trout delicately on the rolled out pastry and close it like a strudel. Bake in a preheated oven at 180/200° for about 30 mins. Serve with cooked vegetables. If you prefer you can use puff pastry instead of shortcrust pastry.
A good selection of white wine for fish entrees is Mueller Thurgau, Pinot Grigio or Trentodoc.